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Payroll Integrations API Set Up

General Information


Enrique Perez


ITS, Client Services, Payroll Integrations

Purpose /Scope

Outline Payroll Integrations API Set Up


Zendesk, iSolved HCM, Payroll Integrations

Effective Date


Revision Number



Initial Request


Process Overview

The steps below are a guideline of what is involved (configuration/communication) when a client request an integration using Payroll Integrations.


Payroll Integrations streamlines employee benefits management and financial wellness by connecting payroll platforms to leading benefit providers. Their solution retrieves employee, benefit and retirement plan data that is then transformed and transmitted directly to the benefit providers. Payroll Integrations developed this integration utilizing the isolved REST API.

Payroll Integrations retrieves employee data daily to populate the Payroll Integrations system with eligible employees and updates. Additionally, Payroll Integrations posts employee deduction and memo calc updates to isolved. After payroll is run, Payroll Integrations validates deduction and memo calc data by retrieving employee check details.


Process Steps

Client Services:

Client Services team member will create a ticket in ZenDesk requesting the ITS team to add the client onto the Payroll Integrations API.

ITS Team:

 A member from the ITS team will follow the below steps to add a client onto the API. Once completed respond back to the requester in ZenDesk that the client has been added.

Payroll Integrations isolved Set Up:

No special configuration is required for this integration.

Add Client to Partner User

  • Security Partner Users
  • Enter Payroll Integrations into the Search field
  • Select Payroll Integrations and click the Pencil to Edit
  • Click the Client Access tab
    • Add Client
    • Client Code: Enter client ID for client requesting the integration
    • Click Add
  • Click Save

Refresh System Data:

  • Production Utilities
  • Refresh System Data

Setup Complete Notification

  • E-mail the Payroll Integrations contact and the client to notify them that the isolved portion of the setup is complete and Payroll Integrations can now complete their setup and work with the client on a rollout plan.
  • Contact Email -

Follow Up and Confirmation

  • E-mail the Payroll Integrations contact and the client to check the status of the integration and proposed go live date
  • Once Payroll Integrations has confirmed that the integration is functioning properly, you may close the project with the next payroll pay date

This completes the client setup.


Additional Information / FAQ


The following information is transmitted via the integration (may vary from vendor to vendor):

Direction of Data Flow:

Isolved Field

Sync Direction

Payroll Integrations Field

First Name

First Name

Last Name

Last Name

Middle Name

Middle Name

Birth Date

Date of Birth

Address 1

Address 1

Address 2

Address 2





Zip Code


Employee ID

Employee ID

Employee Number

Worker ID


Employee Identity ID

Self Service Email Address

Email Work

Personal Email Address

Email Personal

Work Phone

Phone Number Work

Home Phone

Phone Number Personal

Birth Date


Hire Date

Date of Hire

Termination Date

Date of Termination


Employment Status

Marital Status

Marital Status

Employment Category

Employment Type

Federal Filing Status

Federal Filing Status

Pay Type

Hourly vs Salary

Pay Frequency

Pay Standard

Hourly Rate

Pay Rate

Normal Hours


Per Pay Salary

Gross Compensation

Federal Exemptions

Exemption Type



Endpoints Used (in additional to Client and Legal List) is described below:

  1. GET /api/clients/<clientId>/legals/<legalId>/employees
  2. GET /api/clients/<clientId>/legals/<legalId>/employees/<employeeId>
  • The demographic data of each employee from isolved to Payroll Integrations
  1. GET /api/clients/<clientid>/legals/<legalId>/employees/<employeeId>/payItems
    • Employe pay item assignments (code, rate, percentage, goal)
  1. POST /api/clients/<clientid>/legals/<legalId>/employees/<employeeId>/payItems
  • Updates employee deduction and earning rates
  1. GET /api/clients/<clientid>/legals/<legalId>/employees/<employeeId>/payroll/accumulations
    • Employee payroll accumulations and tax withholdings
  1. GET /api/clients/<clientId>/legals/<legalId>/paygroupId/<paygroupId>/payrollRunHistory
  • Check if any new payrolls have been processed in isolved for an employer
  1. GET /api/clients/<clientId>/legals/<legalId>/employees/<employeeId>/checks
    • List all employee paychecks. Only current pay period paychecks will be processed
  2. GET /api/clients/<clientId>/legals/<legalId>/employees/<employeeId>/checks/<id>
    • Earning and Deduction Amounts for an employee’s recently processed paycheck


Updated 09/6/2024 2:00 Est.