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QuickBooks Online Integration Set Up

General Information


Enrique Perez


Client Services, Client

Purpose /Scope

QuickBooks Online Integration Set Up


iSolvedHCM, QuickBooks Online

Effective Date


Revision Number



Initial Request / Troubleshooting


The purpose of this article is to walk you through the steps of connecting isolved to QuickBooks Online.

Pre-Implementation Checklist:

  • Are you the admin in QuickBooks Online?
  • Does QuickBooks Online have the same employee Last Name, First Name from isolved?
  • Must have the capabilities to export a Chart of Account reports from QuickBooks Online.  
  • Capabilities to export an Employee List and Expense Vendor from QuickBooks Online.
  • Warning, each time you change your QuickBooks Online Password, you must follow the “Configuring Steps” below.

Process Steps

The first step in iSolved People Cloud is to connect with QuickBooks Online. Follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to Client Management > Client Utilities > Transmissions > Data Transmission Settings.
  2. Click Connect to QuickBooks.
  3. Enter the QuickBooks Online password.
  4. After you connect, the green button changes to black stating “Disconnect to QuickBooks.” Please do not click disconnect!
  5. Sign in to your QuickBooks Online Account.
        6. After your next payroll has processed, under Reporting > Report Archive, select the                  “QuickBooks Online

            General Journal Export.”


QuickBooks Steps

Step 1: Navigating to the Chart of Accounts in QuickBooks Online

From your dashboard, you will see a navigation bar on the left. Towards the bottom of the navigation bar is a link labeled Accounting. Hover over the link and a sub-menu opens labeled Chart of Accounts. Click on the link.


Step 2: Run Report (Run Report in QuickBooks Online Chart of Accounts)

The next step in this process is to run the report. If you properly executed step one, the screen you are now on is titled Chart of Accounts and has a Run Report button on the right side of the screen. For reference, there is a green New button directly to the right of Run Report.

Step 3: Export the Report

After running the report, you are brought to a page that has a list of accounts for your QuickBooks Online file. These are all the accounts that will be exported. To export this report, navigate again to the upper right column and look for a group of four icons. The icons are an envelope, printer, paper with an arrow, and a gear. Click the paper with an arrow to export this report. Doing this initiates a download and a report is now stored on your computer.

Step 4: Confirm your File Download

Locate your “Downloads” folder on your computer and open the file. Your file should look like the one below. Email this file to the implementation specialist you are working with for your QuickBooks Online setup.


Additional Information / FAQ


If no transmission information occurred in Client’s QuickBooks:

  1. isolved receives an error file from QuickBooks. Errors are followed by &39 if it is an account number not found.
    1. Missing Accounts in Client’s QuickBooks Online. Correct in QuickBooks Online General Journal, then Regenerate & Send. &39 Unable to find account with name ‘Payroll Txa Expense‘.
    2. If a new earning or deduction or tax code were created in payroll, but not mapped as a GL rule. The following error would illustrate: &39 Unable to find account with name ‘(empty). Contact isolved support and provide the payroll mapping for the GL Account.
  2. Client never established link from isolved to QuickBooks Online. Client never did Step #1 on Page 1.
  3. Imports show an error if the client has “Accounts Payable” or “Accounts Receivable GL” on the Journal Entry. QBO does not allow you to import a GL Account that has following designation TYPE:

               Type                                          Detail type

Accounts receivable (A/R)    Accounts Receivable (A/R)

Accounts payable (A/P)         Accounts Payable (A/P)

       4. If you Receive a Duplicate Document number error:  

Solution is in QuickBooks:


If there is no data in “QuickBooks Online Check Detail Export,” the issue is that there is no data in file.

  • If you have OBC (Official Bank Check), then disregard this step – End of Issue.
  • If you do not have any physical payroll checks, then no report – end of issue. Check Register is empty.

     5. If employee names are not recognized, please ensure that when you choose the                             employee naming format in QuickBooks Online, you choose a format that matches the                 fields you have populated within isolved. If these do not match exactly, it will cause an                 error.

      The data that is populated in isolved determines which format must be used. For example,           if the employee has a first, middle, and last name populated in isolved then the display                 name in QBO must have the format “LastName, FirstName MiddleName.” Any other format           will not match.

How to add employee name into QuickBooks Online:

  1. In QuickBooks Online select Payroll, and then the Employee
  2. A pop-up window appears trying to sell you QuickBooks Payroll.
  3. Select Not right now.           

      4. Enter the employee’s First Name and Last Name. The result will illustrate in “Employee               display name*”. If the employee has a middle name or initial, please add that to the first                 name. The display should have one for the follow layout designs:

  • LastName, FirstName

      5. If Vendor’s Name is not recognized this is because payments by check for garnishments              must have a Vendor name in QuickBooks Online.

Updated 09/10/2024 11:00am EST